LABIP awards at the Final Cross-Talk Symposium

The ITN Cross-Talk has organized its final Symposium in Paris on September 3-4 2012 entitled “The Disruption of the War Metaphor of Human-Microbe Interactions in the Gastrointestinal Tract”. With this meeting a highly interesting EU financed project has ended, in which LABIP was an associated partner.

LABIP has played a key role in the training programme of the ITN. By our contribution we have ensured that the requirements for career development in industry and the possibilities for research in industry have been covered. Our activities have given the 17 research fellows an insight in the opportunities for a (research) career in industry, while the LABIP members had the possibility to interact with a group of high quality young scientists in the area of the human gut – microbiota interactions, as well to follow the latest results in this fascinating area of research, so relevant for the food industry.At this final Symposium, Aat Ledeboer has given, on behalf of LABIP, the last 2 prizes of 300 € each for the best oral presentation and best poster. The poster award was given to Frank Duca, a PhD student from INRA, Joy-en-Josas, entitled “Replication of obesity and associated signalling pathways through gut microbiota transfer”. The price was given for the very convincing way it was presented as well as for the intriguing research results. The award for the best oral presentation was given to the Cross-Talk fellow Agata Korecka, who is doing her PhD at the Karolinski Univeristy in Sweden.
