The General Assembly

The deciding body of LABIP is the General Assembly (GA). The GA is held once a year, generally linked to an interesting scientific meeting. All members are invited and at the meeting the Annual and Financial reports are approved, the annual membership fee is determined and all proposals of the Steering Group or any of the members, that need approval, are discussed.

The Steering Group

LABIP is managed by a Steering Group (SG), appointed by the GA. The SG is bound by decissions taken by the GA. The SG provides the Annual and Financial reports and organizes the meeting of the GA. The SG meets twice a year. It has the complete competence to act on behalf of LABIP and decide on operations for LABIP, unless such operations are the only responsibility of the GA

At the moment the Steering Group consists of:

Sophie Legrain (Lesaffre)President
Esben LaulundSecretary
Arjen Nauta (FrieslandCampina)Treasurer
Jean-Philippe Obert (IFF)
Stéphane Duboux (Nestlé)
Raish Oozeer (Danone)
Patrick Derkx (Novonesis)
Bruno Pot (Yakult)

LABIP Secretariat

Dr. Esben Laulund
Email: esbenlaulund [at]