Origin & scope
The Lactic Acid Bacteria Industrial Platform (LABIP) is the Industry Platform for EU-sponsored research programs on Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). LABIP is a European Economical Association, founded in 1994. The members of the LABIP Association are companies that produce or use LAB and have production or research facilities within the EU.
Although the use of LAB is the common denominator for all LABIP members, their activities exceed this aspect and cover various domains such as
- food and food ingredients,
- innovative vaccines,
- disease diagnosis,
- cosmetics,
- healthy and novel food,
- animal food
- biotechnology approaches for renewable fuels
LABIP’s objectives
LABIP is dedicated to the interaction between Academia (universities and research institutions) and Industry in the field of (pre-competitive) scientific and technological research on LAB, gut microbiota and the interaction between microbiota and host.
Consequently LABIP aims at
- providing a forum whereby companies will meet with research groups in the EU funded research programs on LAB and in which they can agree on the development of specific methodologies and products.
- keeping its members informed and updated about progress in European research on LAB.
- coordinating communication about topics of industrial relevance between science, industry and EU authorities.
- securing EU-funding for LAB and related research on a long-term basis in Europe.