Sophie Legrain from Gnosis by Lesaffre elected as President of LABIP
At the Steering Group meeting in LABIP held 6 December 2023 Sophie Legrain from Gnosis by Lesaffre was unanimously elected as President of LABIP.
Sophie Legrain
Read MoreAt the Steering Group meeting in LABIP held 6 December 2023 Sophie Legrain from Gnosis by Lesaffre was unanimously elected as President of LABIP.
Sophie Legrain
Read MoreThe LABIP awards are given within the following categories:
LAB13 was, due to Corona, postponed from 2020 till 2021 and finally was held as a virtual symposium from August 23 till 25. Even though the LAB community could not really meet, great presentations were listened to by over 300 participants, among several from LABIP member companies. Due to the restricted time frame, it was unfortunately not possible to have the traditional LABIP Thematic Session, but there was a timeslot on the last day where the LABIP Chairman Esben Laulund could present the awards for the Mid-Career Senior Scientist and for the 3 best posters.
Read MoreThe publication of the extensive taxonomical changes in the genus Lactobacillus has now been published in the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IJSEM). In October 2018 we organised an Expert Workshop on this topic in Verona. The changes in the genus and its consequences for industry were extensively discussed and the outcome of this workshop was published in Trends in Food Science and Technology November 2019. Find herewith a blog by Bruno Pot with a link to the publication in IJSEM and a tool that allows you to check the conversion from the old to the new name or vice versa. Also the publication on the outcome of the workshop is enclosed. We thank Bruno Pot and all scientists involved for all the work done.
Following the discussions at the LABIP Expert Workshop on the human microbiota and the Nagoya protocol and the publication of the outcome of the workshop in Microbial Cell Factories, LABIP has been asked to contribute to and co-sign two documents, initiated by the ICC knowingly:
As an extra outcome of the LABIP Expert Workshop “Future access and improvement of industrial LAB cultures”, LABIP did send in a contribution to the first Assessment and Review of the Effectiveness of the Nagoya Protocol, asked for by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) which is part of the United Nations Environmental Programme. Find here the Notification for a contribution: Notification contribution Nagoya ProtocolBased on the discussions at the workshop and the publication of the outcome, the following contribution has been send on behalve of LABIP: LABIP contribution assessment Nagoya Protocol
At the LAB Symposium 12, held from August 27 till 31 at Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, for the fifth time the LABIP awards for the Mid Career Senior Scientist and for the best 3 posters have been presented by the LABIP Chairman Esben Laulund. Also for the third time LABIP has organized a thematic session at the LAB Symposium.
Read MoreAt the LAB Symposium 11, held from August 31st till September 4th 2014 at Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, for the fourth time the LABIP awards for the Mid Career Senior Scientist and for the best 3 posters have been presented by the LABIP Chairman Esben Laulund.
Read MoreThe ITN Cross-Talk has organized its final Symposium in Paris on September 3-4 2012 entitled “The Disruption of the War Metaphor of Human-Microbe Interactions in the Gastrointestinal Tract”. With this meeting a highly interesting EU financed project has ended, in which LABIP was an associated partner.
Read MoreThe EU is discussing the new framework programme for research funding until 2020. The programme is called Horizon 2020. A link to the website of the programme can be found under “Links “as well as Websites of other organisations of interest for LABIP. Find herewith also the links to 3 documents of interest:The Green PaperPresentation Horizon 2020Programme Horizon 2020