Cross-Talk Summer School in Wageningen
From 12 to 16 September 2011 the third Network Meeting of the ITN Cross-Talk has been held in Wageningen, The Netherlands. The first 2 days consisted of scientific presentations on the interaction of the gut microbiota and the host with among others short presentations of all fellows on their research and chaired by one of the other fellows.
This formula led to a highly interactive meeting with a lot of scientific debate among the fellows and their supervisors. During the last 3 days the third and final Summerschool was held, organized by LABIP. At the first day the group of 16 fellows visited the Dutch Dairy Institute, NIZO in Ede, where they listened to peresentations of young NIZO scientists and where 3 of the fellows presented on their research in Cross-Talk. After a short tour through the building and the pilot plant and a lunch, the group went to the Yakult factory in Almere. The fellows clearly were impressed by the high quality standards of the factory and also by the scientific presentations. Back in Wageningen they were given a traditional Dutch pancake meal. The second day of Summerschool a Career Perspectives Workshop was given by professional trainers. Also LABIP members were involved during the job interviews. The fellows considered this to be very valuable for their career development especially since most of them now are at the end of their PhD period. The last day of Summerschool focused on health claims, the role of EFSA was discussed.